The 2D SEGY tool performs the following functions:
• Converts a folder of 2D SEGY files into a single VDS file for use with InteractivAI.
• Converts a probability cube from InteractivAI into a set of 2D SEGY probability lines corresponding to the original SEGY files.
The 2D SEGY Tool uses the OpenVDS SEGYImport and SEGYExport tools. Full documentation for each tool can be in the OpenVDS Documentation (https://osdu.pages.opengroup.org/platform/domain-data-mgmt-services/seismic/open-vds/index.html#).
Note: For best results, always use 32-bit 2D SEGY data for input to the Convert2DSEGY tool. Low-fidelity (e.g. 8-bit) data can be re-binned to 32-bits in any seismic interpretation application.
To install the tool, unzip and copy the convert2DSEGY.exe to the desired directory.
To run the tool, type the appropriate commands at the command line.